

作曲:Charite Viken Reinas.Eirik Johanson.Alexander Puntervold.Robin Jessen.Anna Judith Wik.Nermin Harambasic.Ronny Svendsen


愛他頹廢 愛他的優越
他愛妳隨和 愛妳方便 YEAH 敢怒不敢言

妳自我催眠 他是藝術家
妳給他色盤 去拼貼背叛
他不是梵谷 也不是莫內
他的模特兒 卻都從來不缺少

面對妳他裝的 乖的 乖的
背對妳卻亂來 壞的 壞的

Wake up 妳是大藝術家 妳真心創作的愛無價
Wake up 別再做慈善家 妳其實沒有那麼愛他
愛是繆思女神的吻 誰都應該被寵愛紋身
那種美能讓 維納斯誕生

他要妳讓讓 妳就讓讓 YEAH
說的愛妳 只是嚷嚷

妳該說再見 就說再見 YEAH

妳自我催眠 他是藝術家
妳給他色盤 去拼貼背叛
他不是梵谷 也不是莫內
他的模特兒 卻都從來不缺少
面對妳他裝的 乖的 乖的
背對妳卻亂來 壞的 壞的

Wake up 妳是大藝術家 妳真心創作的愛無價
Wake up 別再做慈善家 妳其實沒有那麼愛他
愛是繆思女神的吻 誰都應該被寵愛紋身
那種美能讓 維納斯誕生


Wake up 妳是大藝術家 妳真心創作的愛無價
Wake up 別再做慈善家 妳其實沒有那麼愛他
愛是繆思女神的吻 誰都應該被寵愛紋身
那種美能讓 維納斯誕生


她的歌,我從小聽到大, 旋律很耐人尋味,歌詞也蠻有思考價值。



Poor Wayfaring Stranger

I guess I've finally experienced the feeling of falling in love at the first hear just a while ago.

Purely amazing!
The voices of angels. 

Ah, my childhood memory

One of them. So sweet~ :D


Integration doesn't make sense. You are God.
Chemistry is beyond comprehension. You are still God.
Thermodynamics freaks me out. You are still God.
Biology pushes my memory to its limit. You are still God.
ECS has too much nonsense to learn. You are still God.

I am still well awake now, yet I can feel the joy overflowing from deep within.
I do not know why, but I guess YOU are the reason.
The joy of the Lord is your strength. - Nehemiah 8:10 
Thank You, Abba Father.


丁噹 《倒不如》


痛要痛到 甚麼程度
才算是 有資格被安撫
並不是我 喜歡孤獨
只不過 我比較忍得住

愛要愛到 甚麼地步
才能夠 有資格去痛哭
既然已經 各走各路
倒不如 為單身而歡呼

愛到結束 差點忘了復原的天賦
沒人幫助 要懂得自己找藥水和膠布
難免回顧 分手原來不是誰被誰辜負
我還值得 被祝福

給要給到 入不敷出
才知道 愛的一塌糊塗
既然沒有 更好出路
倒不如 轉身鞠躬謝幕

愛到結束 差點忘了復原的天賦
沒人幫助 要懂得自己找藥水和膠布
難免回顧 分手原來不是誰被誰辜負
我還值得 被祝福

愛到結束 再多控訴也於事無補
沒人幫助 要懂得自己找藥水和膠布
難免回顧 分手不是我不被幸福眷顧
我還值得 被祝福

We Belong Together

Reminds me of the feeling of falling in love,
when he/she is all you miss and think of every second of your day.

Isn't it sweet to have your partner introducing you to his/her closest friends,
and their acknowledge you as their brother/sister-in-law?

Isn't it cute to see your partner trying to impress you in everything he/she does,
just so that you'd fall in love with him/her over and over again?




Beyond what words can describe! Jan and Ning Xing, you two are so going to love these!

Support Yo!

You said I'm very stubborn and stupid for not following the path you have constructed for me, but did you realise that if I ever chose that path, I will be forever indebted to you? Receiving your aid at the same time means forgoing my dignity to live under your dominancy, and I don't want to get myself falling into that kind of situation. Besides, I have my own calling which is just not where you have pointed to. You think you know all but in fact, you don't. God does. So as long as it allows me to accomplish my mission with my head up high, even if it does mean I have to start up harder, I will. I will rise up high like an eagle. I will make my daddy and mummy proud and I will be able to give them prosperous life.

You said I'm ungrateful for not heeding the support you have offered, but did you realise genuine support doesn't come from forcing people to accept your proposal, even if it's out of your sincere loving kindness? I am really appreciative and thankful for that. But no, thank you. I have my own ambition and though I'm still uncertain of how I'm going to achieve it, I still hold the freedom to choose the route to it. This is my choice and however hard it may be, I will not regret it. Support comes in various faces - mentally, physically, etc. Please, if you still want to show your support, respect my decision and stop criticising/condemning me unnecessarily at my back. If no, please kindly turn your eyes away from this matter. After all, I have my God to back me up. I believe, my family, too.

Life's surprise

To you,
with love.

Unpleasant things happen occasionally
and sometimes, on your special day.
It is like a big storm on a perfect shiny afternoon
flushes away instantly the supposedly happy atmosphere.
But lo and behold! In the midst of convulsion
I see blessings, and opportunities to learn and to grow.
See that man? He could be an aggressive gangster,
or behaved impolitely and exasperately,
he could have yelled and scolded you, but hey,
he treated you with care and courtesy instead.
He was mature in handling the whole incident,
not overwhelmed with grief or anger.
At least he didn't try to take advantage of you.

A year older, a year wiser.
But sometimes, God wants you to grow up overnight.
He has His reasons to be mean to you now, I believe,
so that you are able to treat matters of similar kind wisely,
not drowned by anxiety and helplessness.
He gives you opportunity to learn: not with frustration
but to be brave enough in perceiving happenings
that are against your will, for life has no obligation
to always obey your command and to follow your order.
Life has its way of pushing you out of your comfort zone,
to survive it victoriously is then, your responsibility.
Let Intimidation alone cares for itself. More is to come,
if and only if, you are willing to endure the hardships, and
to let disheartenment a stepping stone for becoming a better you.

You are beautiful, so is your life.

Happy birthday.


by Corrinne May
John 11:1-44
Don’t want to get out of bed today
The Sun’s too bright and the world’s too grey
I’ve given it all that I can give 
All I know of love is pain

Where were you
Where were you
When I needed you most
I was thrown to the wolves
Yet here you are
Knocking at the door of my heart
Calling me to love, for you

And you say
Come out of your cave
Lazarus I don’t care if everyone
Thinks you’re dead
Or that you’ve lost your edge
I know you’re still alive
So put on your shoes
Fight for the truth

There’s so much in life I don’t understand
Your ways oh Lord are not our ways
so hard to trust you when I can’t see
Forgive my little faith

Where were you
Where were you
When I needed you most
Left with your ghost
Yet here you are
Healing through your wounds and scars
Calling me to suffer for you

Grant me wisdom
Give me peace
Anoint my hands
Unbind my feet
What was dead shall live again
For you, for you, for you

Come out of your cave
Lazarus I don’t care if everyone
Thinks you’re dead
Or that you’ve lost your edge
I know you’re still alive
Come out of your cave
Lazarus I don’t care if everyone
Thinks you’re dead
Or that you’ve lost your edge
I know you’re still alive
So put on your shoes
Fight for the truth


I only spend time on those people I love & care for.
So don't trample on it.

A candid confession

Honestly speaking, I really envy those who have good voice & can sing well, have privilege to learn musical instruments, and have talents in drawing. 


(Not Him, but him. :) )

Now who wouldn't melt for a guy like this?

My Life's Aphorisms

Don't aim just to be rich, aim to create wealth, create better lives, create better livelihoods for people, create jobs where others can contribute to society and be a useful participant.

Use your wealth to fund your passions and causes, and don't forget to enjoy yourself in the process.

Stand up for injustice, for the downtrodden, for those who cannot help themselves. Aim for equality for all, in all.

Have a zest for good things, finer things in life, its OK to to enjoy.

Surround yourself with positive people. Make sure your life partner is enthusiastic, have energy for life, and empathy for people, friends and family.

Don't wait for fate or destiny to affect your life, its your life, make it happen.

Finding something or someone that/who means more to you than yourself.

Make a conscious effort not to hold onto people who don't love us or people who hate us or people who make us mad or people who take us for granted ... we also care too little for the people who love us unconditionally, the people who adore us, the ones who still stick around in spite of all your shortcomings.

Make an effort to to live healthy for yourself and the people who care for you. Live long but more importantly live well.

Make a conscious effort to better the lives of the people around you, your family and circle of close friends.

Bloom where you are planted, not whine about why you are where you are.

[Source from Malaysia-Finance Blogspot]


Funny enough, it's the second time I read about "refusing to let fate/destiny to take hold of your life" today. Probably it's God saying I'm too passive in my fight for success. Time to buck up! Fighting!


























[Adapted from 思考]

Not only girls, in fact everyone deserves a warm hug and a word of comfort at his/her lowest/weakest, not harsh criticism and judgemental condemnation. 

Show love, offer forgiveness.

Weird Source of Blessings

Met this one very weird aunty when I went out to throw rubbish just now. She told me that she is currently teaching English and Critical Thinking to young adults, to prepare them for SAT, at Wangsa Maju. She gave me brief guidelines on Critical Thinking. Then I know, I have wasted one semester in UTAR "learning" that subject because I have not learned any, not a single bit of it. What a shame! Unlike what we have thought of it, it is actually a very interesting subject and there will be more areas we can venture into from there onwards. It sort of makes your life easier, too.

However, she made me realise that most people nowadays serve in the church out of obligations, not out of their love, fear and obedience to the Lord. It's a sad truth to be made known of. I wonder, anything I can do to influence the others regarding this matter? I want them to know God for who He really is, not just what He has done for us, and His promises, etc.

Apart from that, I think I am too insecure and lack of self-confidence to be looked right into the eyes. It is as if that person is piercing into my soul to dig my innermost self out, which I have no interest at all to expose to the others.  


One of my KY friends called yesterday and we chatted till almost 2am. Haven't been doing things like this for quite some times. I miss her, really. And I miss all those good and bad old days we have spent together. Sometimes I really wish the time would slow down a little bit so that we can savour all the best moments in our lives to the max. But then If we were given the ability to alter time, we would not learn to treasure those moments anymore.

God blesses her.

Not A Tool

I pray blessings on those who have despitefully used me but that doesn't mean I will allow myself to be exploited continually because I'm created for a greater purpose - not to be used by mere men, but by God Himself.


On a side note, I'm really looking forward to your second solo album to be released. I don't know how to describe it but I'm feeling very excited about it. Your first song is wayy beyond my expectation. You are more than just a fantastic baby! :D #anticipation

Blissful Weekend!

Dear God,

Thank you for all the close friends you've put into my life - they are the reasons to the smile on my face.

Your grateful child,

Freshly Released

His new song:


At several points of the MV I actually laughed - so hilarious. Hahahaha...
He dares to be different (creative too!) and that's why he has that kind of charisma which the others cannot possibly possess. He really never fails to impress me with his music.

The cubs are so cute! I love animals~! :D


Oh well since I cannot understand Korean (yet), so I cannot understand what he is singing. But according to the translation posted on the internet, this is how the lyric sounds like:

One of a kind 歌词翻译

Just wild and young
I'm just wild and young
Do it just for fun

ladies,me and Choice

Yes sir one of a kind

Yes sir,one of a kind
这倒霉的家伙(wuh),我可是身骄肉贵(get out)

嗨哥哥嗨姐姐(啊干嘛这样)what's up 阿一古 太无聊了啊(喂你好)
嗨哥哥嗨姐姐(啊干嘛这样) 阿一古原来是很无聊阿 啊我太红啦 啊 真是不好意思

一通电话就会跑过来 1988-0818
随便跟谁打听下吧 我是演艺界的头等大事
我是不同的 因为那就是我 不管做什么都会引起轩然大波
我创造时尚 改变流行 这种实力让我难自弃

get back这可不是玩笑话 young and rich 说的就是我呀
so i'm fast so what is okay 我现在在开玩笑?我可不是开玩笑

Ladies,me and Choice

Yes sir one of a kind

Yes sir,one of a kind
这倒霉的家伙(wuh),我可是身骄肉贵(get out)

那么快就出二辑 我就是挖不尽的宝藏
我的rap是她的闺房 带你去躺平young busy
我的business开出了money花 也许是我的歌声让建筑也拔地而起?

i love it!
小不点的家伙们跑上舞台兴风作浪 不讨人厌喜欢就用眼神鄙视

你先过来一下 在舞台上活跃
看看周围 这里那里处处都是

get back 这个不是玩笑 young and rich 那就是我啊
so i'm fast so what is okay我现在在开玩笑?我可不是开玩笑

lalala 疼爱我一些吧
lalala 对我好点吧 爱我吧

Yes sir one of a kind

Yes sir,one of a kind
这倒霉的家伙(wuh),我可是身骄肉贵(get out)

嗨哥哥嗨姐姐(啊干嘛这样)what's up 阿一古 太无聊了啊(喂你好)
嗨哥哥嗨姐姐(啊干嘛这样)啊我太红啦 啊 真是不好意思

跟着我吧 跟着我吧 跟着我吧 跟着我吧
跟着我吧 跟着我吧 跟着我吧 跟着我吧(跟着我吧)


Yes sir one of a kind

Yes sir,one of a kind
这倒霉的家伙(wuh),我可是身骄肉贵(get out)


权志龙用「ONE OF A KIND」这首歌里告白自己隐藏的心声。他的辉煌成绩背后有寂寞,他的坚持自我背后有创伤,他的刺痛伤口背后有愤怒。在有色眼镜下,他被世人看作是恶魔,其实摘掉偏见,他只是同样需要被爱的人。他坚持,与金钱无关,与名誉无关,他只想做他的音乐,他只想做最独一无二的权志龙!

【載之Bigbang빅뱅 VIP


All I can say is, there is no need for us to envy another person for what they have but we don't because every person has his own struggles to overcome, troubles to subdue.

Cherish the life you are having now and if you are not satisfied with it, make an effort to change it for the better. You, too, are equally as awesome and have as much potential as all those famous people out there, so grab your opportunities. There is nothing so called luck. Everything is created to its purposes and I believe God has given fair chances to all. The difference is just that whether or not you are able to see it, grab it & use it wisely.

God blesses you, my dear readers. :)



#期待著他的新歌 :3

Reblog - Haru Haru

Whenever I listen to this song, my heart starts to ache, as if I'm going through the situation myself. I wonder how did you feel when you were betrayed by someone you trusted & loved the most?
It pains me just by thinking about it. :(


To fall in love is happiness made known. 
To fall in love with the right one is the happiest.
To fall in love with the right one at the right time is beyond happiness. ♥

Drawing Skills

I wish one day I'd be able to draw like this. 
I want my works of art to gain recognition from all parties.




A day out with friends

I heart this picture so much!



This song,
lingers in my head.
That sudden surge of sadness,
I am caught in the turmoil of emotion.
"How to make your past a weapon for present to conquer the future?" asks my mind to my heart. She shrugs.

I miss home.


Oh well you have heard of bromance. So there must be one for sistas too! ;P

This picture is really simple yet beautiful, depicting that love is actually as simple as abc. Enjoy every single bit of it instead of making it complicated.

This picture reminds me of my sister whom I have not met for quite some times already. Miss her. ♥

The Armour of God

Ephesians 6:10-20

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.



It's 1am in the morning. I know I should be sleeping now but... Shrug. I don't know what's keeping me awake at such an hour. So then, just let me reveal some of my thoughts (not the deepest one yet. :P)

My Dream Guy, My Inspiration
Oh well, everyone knows I'm so, so, so crazy over this one guy recently. It is unreciprocated and it might just stay in my world of fantasy forever, though I don't wish for that to happen. I know I'm attracted to not only his appearance (because one should never focus on the outlook only), but also his music, his style, his attitude, etc. Except for some habits/conducts which I'm not very fond of, he is almost ideal.

Still a mummy's boy. :3

Today, particularly, while I was reading one of the articles about him, I thought to myself, "Wow, he sure is a tough one!" Tough as in his character/ability to withstand pressure and to keep growing. Yes, there were some negative news about him but if those have now made him a better person, why not?

And his answer to the question concerning colour has really strucked me that in life, we shouldn't be just the colour that we like/wish to be like. We should be the canvas, ready to be painted differently. We are all on our journey of growing up (even if you are a 70-year-old now, there are still plenty to be learned!), and if you refuse to try different colours in between your birth and death, I would say, "What a shame!" Flexibility. That's the word. We need to be willing and humble enough to be moulded (for the better) by the happenings and also people we meet throughout. Don't let the fear for a change hinders you. At some point of our life, we need to step out of our comfort zone and take up risks. Robert Schuller puts it just nice saying that, "If you listen to your fears, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been."

At the end of the day, we all should be able to declare proudly that we have finished the race and accomplished what we are called to do, not just simply, but with aces.

My Mr. Right
My previous posts may sound as if I'm in dire of having a partner, but no. That is not true. It is true that sometimes loneliness strikes me straight in my face but I wouldn't say that that's the reason for me to quit me being single. At least I'm able to say, in this one or two years, I won't be stepping into any boy-girl relationships.

I have missions to fulfill in this particular season of my life and not being attached is, I think, the prerequisite. When the time comes, I believe my Mr. Right will drop from the sky like the fairy tales. *Laugh* I'm just kidding. God will arrange our meeting with each other. I reject the idea of you need to meet a few Mr. Wrongs or Mr. Maybes before you bump into your Mr. Right because you simply will need to know what kind of person suits you. That's ridiculous and it's only an excuse to escape from the consequences of your own lustful behaviour. Take heart, every time you breakup with a person, you are breaking the covenant/oath you have made with him/her. Relationships and marriages are just not something you can toy with for it is written, 
So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate. Matthew 19:6
Protect the heart of your another half. If you are not ready and have no confidence that you will never make him/her brokenhearted, don't jump it.  


I admit I'm a little bit infected. Somehow my immunity against the illness has deteriorated. The syndrome of it I believe is becoming more irascible and impatient. Sigh. I need to change. Self-control. Self-control. Self-control. *Chanting*

Especially during festive seasons, I wish to celebrate with my family. And now that my mummy's birthday is so near, I want to be by her side. Wish she can still feel my love for her across the sea.

Also, food! I'm seriously missing a lot here.

An Interview

G-Dragon’s Interview For Big Bang’s Electric Love Tour Photobook 


How old were you when you first got to listen to music?
I was an elementary school student then. One of my friend’s father was working as a producer for a television music program and when I got to visit his place, there were so many music albums of international artists. I heard hip-hop for the first time there and I was kind of shocked.

Like, “there’s this kind of music in the world!”?
I’d only listen to k-pop until I heard of this genre, hip-hop, so I was just like “why is hip hop called to be a good type of music? I don’t even know what this foreign language means.” I just didn’t understand why it was called to be so good, so I wasn’t that much interested in it. But when I heard the song called “C.R.E.A.M” by Wu Tang Clan. They were the most popular U.S. hip hop group back then and my vision of music was just so widened at once.

So the barriers of the language didn’t matter?
Of course i didn’t know the meaning of the lyrics or the right pronunciations of the English language at all, but I didn’t care those kind of things because that music sound was just so cool. I had both the CD and the tape, and I listened to them until the CD and tape were worn out, and I sang along to them as much as I could understand from what they were saying. Also, I wanted to show my friends that I memorized the whole lyrics, so I sang the song on stages, like at the school’s singing festivals. I thought everyone would be just like, “Wow!” and praise me, but they actually didn’t accept it that much. On the contrary, they were just staring at me making faces as like, “What’s he singing? I don’t get it at all.” *laughs*

Ah, that’s sad, but I think you were different from your school friends considering that you must be the only one who was listening to the western music in your elementary school.
Yes, but the friends who were not accepting that music, are calling me now saying, “I should have listened to it with you.” *laughs*

And starting from then, your dorkiness (in a good way) has been defined. *laughs*
Back from when I was younger, I loved to try new things that the others don’t know about, which I thought was great. In fact the very first thing that I started was dancing. I loved to dance along with some music or some television show. We loved to run and jump around meaninglessly when we were young right? Just the same as that, I thought it was fun when I was dancing. My mother saw that and got me to apply to a lot of auditions, which I was accepted to all of them.

So your mother was the first person to see your talent?
She said that I would dance in front of people even if there was only one or two people in the room. My mother told me that I enjoy entertaining people so much, she decided to put me in this entertainment industry. I think my mother was much greater than me.*laughs*

So, when was the first time you were on TV?
That was the time when I was 6 years old. It was the TV show playing some games with many children. In fact, back then, it was kind of like not what I wanted to do, but my mother made me go. I liked to be on TV, but I wanted to hang out with my friends or eat some snacks when I had some free time. *laughs* I didn’t like that I had to wake up early every morning because of the work and my time hanging out with my friends became shorter. I started thinking that it was not the same anymore, but I’d tried my best to have fun with the time that I had.

What was your personality when you were little?
I was just a timid, quiet, and shy boy who was just following his mother’s back all the times, but the only place that I could be very confident was on stage, dancing. I have changed to be an active person since I’d joined my current company, when I was 12.

So from then, you began your own way?
I started to act the way I wanted things to go like giving my own ideas when I decided to live by this path of music. My mother first had wanted me to study for middle school, but after she accepted my very strong intentions for music, she began to support me the most.

But it took a little longer than you had expected to be able to debut?
I was a trainee for 6 years and spent my time participating in some of my sunbaes’ albums. I thought to myself that I should confidently challenged myself (when I finally debuted), without being weird or not being very uncomfortable.

So you must be very happy when you finally got debuted with the name of Big Bang.
When I just got debuted, it was a little more overwhelming than just being happy. Back then, the name “G-Dragon” was already well-known and also the announcement of the first idol boy group from YG, so there were a lot of expectations from us. Besides those expectations, there were, of course, some criticisms, but that only made our 5 members stronger and connected more tightly. We said, “We will show them much more than what they expected us to be, we are going to make our name, ‘Big Bang’ proud!”, and we worked harder everyday from then on.

Moreover, you’re the leader, so don’t you have some more pressure about that?
The time when we just made our group, I was desperately working to make the gap smaller between the older and younger members. But I think it’s not that hard to be a leader of Big Bang.

This is the group, which have all 5 members who have their own 5 different colors.
That’s what I love about us. They completely understand each of their parts/jobs, even when I only explain with little details, they know what they’re supposed to do already. Of course, there were some conflicts and fights until we come to a conclusion, that I’ve meant, until we’d come to have this trust for one another.

What were the cause of the fights, for example?
For example, someone doesn’t like the way I eat meals or the way I fold up my laundries… *laughs* We all lived in an apartment together and living together was a bit . Thinking of it now, we fought a lot over the things that weren’t much of a big deal. We even didn’t get a single thing solved and that only make the conflict worse and can harm us as a group. We’d realized that it’s just making our feelings bad. So after that, there were completely no more fights.

Have you all fought over of having different ideas about Big Bang’s image and music style?
No, not at all. All 5 have agreed on the ideas of the music or the performances of Big Bang every single time. Of course, all 5 members have very different colors, different favorite artists, and different kinds of music, for we all have lived in very different ways, but natually we all become the same color when we perform as a group, Big Bang. Thankfully, we can express our own things that we’ve been wanting to do on our solo activities. There is a proverb saying in Korea, “The more we fight, the closer we get to know each other”. As that being said, we fought a lot so we became to know what each other thinks, we became more closer, and now we are just close as a family.

So it’s like a kind of communication to be closer to each other?
Eventually, I think we start our fights when we have some misunderstandings between us. In fact, we don’t seem like it, but all of the Big Bang members are afraid of strangers. Even for today, we are tensed when we first meet somebody or strangely pretending to be cool or to be serious. *laughs* But usually we like to make jokes and play around. We are really good at having fun.

So you are just the same as the normal boys in their 20′s?
Yes, but when I was an elementary school student, I think I didn’t really enjoy a single joke or playing some tricks, so there were friends who were scared of me and some who cried because of me. *bitterly laugh* In fact, I changed schools like about 4 or 5 times, so the communication was an important thing to get along with my friends much faster and this is just me boasting, I made many friends every time I change schools, so I have much more friends compared to others!

Wherever you go, you’re the popular one who was always being in the spotlight?
I’m not sure if I was the popular one, but I always leaded my friends with some confidence.

Being around with new surroundings, don’t that make you feel lonely? Don’t you have some frustrations about that?
Never. In fact, I enjoyed that. I don’t like to be stuck in one place originally. Same as now, my heart is pumping when I go to somewhere I’m not aware of. Back then and also for now, I like to get to know something with my body rather than my brain.

Wow. Ah, going back to the previous conversation, are there any Big Bang members afraid of you?
Yes, maybe. *laughs* But when I first met Taeyang, I thought he was scary. He was just too different from me, and now we exchanged our characters/personality. I was a little introverted when I was young, but Taeyang is introverted now. Now, we don’t have any conflicts because we spent our hard and good times since we were trainees together. We know what each other is thinking when we are just looking at each other’s faces. To define the word, “close friends”, for myself, I will say it’s the people who understand each other without saying any words. For me, all Big Bang members are my family, also my close friends, the great ones, related ones who accepts me and who I respect from the bottom of my heart.

Okay, then what do you think what others think about you? You have some very stoic image who don’t compromise with anything, like craving for perfection.
I hear some great appraisals and some positive responses, but I try to avoid the negativity. If I listen to the good feedbacks, I think I might be flattered.

Then what do you think your color is right now?
‘Plain’. Think about the canvas which is colored just as you color it differently every time. I dream to be a person like that and I am trying to be that kind of a person. I think I’m at the very middle of being a boy and an adult. I don’t have some complete roundness as a one person, but I think this sharpness that I have right now is not that bad.

It’s like you’re on the stage doing performances is just so fierce and has some uneasy presence that we can’t reach close to you, but when during this interview, you are just like a boy with that innocent, bright smile of such boys, very friendly.
Definitely, the person that I am on the stage and off the stage are two different people. When I’m back from the stage, I change myself to be the real me. I don’t like to act like a celebrity. However, I think the most important thing is to bring the performance perfectly on the stage. In other words, I think it’s important to act like “being on the stage” to attract with some more qualified performances when I’m performing. I think I started to work very cautiously now because I have some bad experiences at the times when I acted as a child and was told, “he is just a boy”. So I think I must check every single thing that I do and have some responsibility for everything. I am not really aware of that I, myself, is showing the “little boy figure” presence all the time, but even when I am during this interview, I’m talking like as if I’m rapping, or when I walk along the streets, my arms and legs move like as if I’m dancing. *laugh* This just became perfectly a habit. I’m just used to doing it.

The rythm and music are just pervaded into your body. By the way, what did you feel like hearing all those cheers and screaming from the Japanese fans?
In fact, it was very weird. I was very surprized that there are many people who know us and I was so glad that all Japanese fans sang along the song we were singing even when it was in Korean. There were some restrictions, so we couldn’t really get to be that close to fans just like the live concerts in Korea. That was just so sad. The reason why I think the distances between fans and us is really important is because when I was young, I was very glad that my favorite artist touched me on the stage. I think I will never forget that feeling in my life, so I want to make my fans feel the same as much as possible.

What do you wants most at this time?

*laughs* Okay, then what is the most important thing in your life?
Probably my friends. I’m not afraid of anything because I have Big Bang when I’m doing my music. Not just Big Bang, I have many other friends, and they all make me feel very strong. Even when it comes to love, I make my relationship feel like we’re close friends. I have so many attractive people around me, maybe I’m being pulled by them.

Do you have any dream or ambition for Big Bang’s future and for yourself?
I don’t like to shoot and try all the huge things just at once. I want to grow up with my fans. After some years, maybe ten years, they might think “Big Bang was the best, I can never forget the songs.”, Just like I first heard hip hop, I want our group to be the group that will always leave a great impression on a person. For me, I want to be always stimulated. I don’t always want to aim to be number 1, but I don’t like to be number 2. If I had known that, I would never have started it at the first time. My goal for my life is to always have the best result that I can accept. Anyways, I want to experience many new things, challenge myself into various styles of music, so that maybe in 10 years, I would find the most proper color for me. I want to make the kind of music that can make people dream, make people enjoy, or comfort people when they are sad.

Last message for the readers, please?
Thank you for reading this to the very end! I’m really glad that this could be a chance to tell you what we are thinking as Big Bang and also as myself more profoundly. But most of all, you will know us much completely at the live stages, so hopefully, I can meet you all at the next live concerts!

Translation: HuisuYoon@21BANGS.com


Personally I especially like his answer to this question:

Then what do you think your color is right now?
‘Plain’. Think about the canvas which is colored just as you color it differently every time. I dream to be a person like that and I am trying to be that kind of a person. I think I’m at the very middle of being a boy and an adult. I don’t have some complete roundness as a one person, but I think this sharpness that I have right now is not that bad.


Stay Alive!

Congratulations for surviving the hardships in the past years and I pray for your friendships to grow stronger regardless. God blesses you all.

Be the legend in this generation! :D

[It's currently 00:00 19 August 2012 in Korea :3]

Be the judge?


Guard your heart and discipline your mouth.
Judging others doesn't define who they are, it defines you, instead.
Besides, each and every one of us is fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God.
Each deserves equal treatment.


“We’re all saying don’t settle in relationships, but I’m going to take it further and say: be greedy. Go to God and say, “I want someone who is on fire for you and I want a vision for a whole big beautiful thing, and I want you to start preparing me for that.” If you look at it from God’s perspective, that must be a fantastic thing to hear, and how would He say no to that?”
— Glen Fitzjerrell

[taken from Spiritually Single (Unequally Yoked) facebook]

The 24th GDay

Happy Birthday Ji-Yong Oppa. ♥

[It's currently 00:00 18 August 2012 in Korea :3]

For the ♥ of my life.

Thank you, Mummy. 
I will make you proud one day. :')


Wedding Dress

Methinks she looks absolutely gorgeous in that.  :D
Wedding dress has only one calling, to make all women the most beautiful ones on her big special day.




Sad truth

No money, no talk. 

Ahhh... All those clothes, jewelry, shoes, high heels, wedges, books, drawing materials, crafts, notebooks, camera, bags, etc. I can only see but cannot own. Such a pain in the heart. Education is expensive, too. It's one of the two reasons why I'm not pursuing my top 1 career choice. Sigh. Life is cruel, eh?

These are probably the only reasons I wish I have my own sources of income now, desperately.

Peace vs. Restlessness

As Long As You Love Me

By Michael Henry & Justin Robinett

That guy that guy...

Why am I so crazy over him?

I don't even know him. Sigh.
How I wish, sometimes, that my love story can be just like one of those in the drama/movies, so dramatic, so romantic, so advanturous, so miraculous. But I don't want a happy ending because I want us to have an everlasting relationship, until the day death takes us apart. 
I wish, oh, I really wish for one like that - one with the person I really love. 


Even so, I still trust the Almighty One, the best Author of love stories, to compose mine. And in the meantime, I will wait patiently. Yes. Patience is all I need for the time being.

People who worth cherishing

Sometimes even the slightest acts of kindness of a person can make you realise what you have perceived of him so far are all wrong, and change it. Some good qualities are hidden from the naked eyes and it takes you to look beyond imperfections in order to discover them. 

You cannot judge a book by its cover, but you also cannot judge based on your own feelings, thoughts and knowledge. They can be very, very deceiving. Trust me.


I really admire those who would go the distance just for the sake of his friends, even if it costs themselves certain degree of inconveniences. Things like these really touch my heart, and definitely mean a lot to me. 

Thank God for putting someone like that in my life. :)

Love Story

He is the Author and the Perfecter.




Now let's just hope the caffine works.
Must get enough rest coming weekend. Must.

The Irony of It

I cannot understand why some people just don't know how to respect the others.
What's the point of receiving higher (and possibly, the best) education if a person is so full of himself/herself that he/she disregard everything else besides himself/herself? Ha!

The Night (Ah it's dawn soon!)

Minus the coffee (for the sake of my teeth), exactly what I am now.

[Shout out to the world] - TOP

Worth pondering. 

唤醒灵魂的力量 , 有时候 , 重生是需要痛苦的.

“I came here because of that string of hope.
Where do I stand now? I ask myself this but even I don’t have a specific answer yet. During the process where I search for my other self, all my worries will fade away because I must find the person who will lend his shoulders to me.”

———————— TOP

名字 : 崔胜贤
生日日期 : 1987年11月4日
技能 : 饶舌 , 作词 , 口技
Name: Choi Seung-hyun
Date of Birth: November 4, 1987
Skills: Rap, Writing lyrics, Beatbox

唤醒灵魂的力量 , 有时候 , 重生是需要痛苦的.
- 我曾经想成为一个抒情诗人,创作和背诵经文. -
The power to awaken a soul, sometimes it takes pain to be re-born.
-I once wanted to be a lyric poet that composed and recited verses.-

当我在五年级的时候 , 我被 HIP-HOP迷住了.
I became mesmerized with ‘Hip-Hop’ music when I was in Grade 5. I went crazy for this type of music because I listened to it all day and carefully noted all the rap lyrics. If we have to talk about Hip-Hop music, I have to briefly talk about the roots of American Hip-Hop.

武汤宗族与Notorius B.I.G. 代表东海岸(纽约), 他们主要集中在饶舌歌词 , 而代表西海岸(洛杉矶)是2Pac , 他们的重点是在旋律.
当我听到他们的饶舌,我总是对自己不禁赞叹, “ 啊,这种音乐应该在他的生活中至少有一次被人们尝试.” 我想成为像他们一样,在那里我可以表达自己的理念,为人们的讯息 .
When I first started listening to Hip-Hop, it was divided up into East Coast and West Coast in America. Wu Tang Clan and Notorius B.I.G. represented the East Coast (New York) scene and they focused largely on the rap and the lyrics, while representing the West Coast (LA) was 2Pac who focused more on the melody. Although at that time in Korea and from my memory, more people listened to West Coast hip hop but I was more into the East Coast style. When I listened to their raps, I would always exclaim to myself, “Ah this kind of music should be attempted by a man at least once in his life”. I wanted to be like them; where I could express my own philosophy and messages for people.

Their rap lyrics usually talk about the life of these young boys. If I have to briefly describe the feeling, it would be: “my family is poor, I live in a world of crime but now I’m successful, if my parents are thirsty they no longer have to drink water but they can drink champagne”. Sometimes the lyrics were violent and very dark but this type of greed would happen at least once in a man’s lifetime. This kind of feeling started to eventually grow in me.

进入高中后 , 我似乎受到越来越多人的注意了...
我年轻的时候 , 我被时尚注入了 , 于是我习惯穿朋友从不穿的HIP-HOP品牌的衣服.
After entering high school, I seemed to be in the spotlight a lot…perhaps because I was taller than children the same age and I was wearing a lot of hip hop style clothes. I was into fashion when I was young so I used to wear hip hop brands that my friends didn’t wear. I would save up my money to buy the clothes I wanted even if my parents didn’t give me allowance.

I had absolutely no interest in school and started to hang around “the problem teens”, as the adults would say. They are my most precious friends now but in our society, people would refer to them as bad influences. When I was growing up, I saw a lot of things I shouldn’t have seen and experienced a lot that I shouldn’t have.

也正是在这个时候 , 情绪都不寻常 , 很多事情不会按计划走.
和那些大人再次在尝试积极影响这些孩子相比 , 我讨厌那些无故处罚孩子的大人.
他们使用的处罚,使这些孩子落入更深的洞 , 而不是教孩子什么是正确的.
因为这种不断的伤害和爆发 , 把他们变成更坏了.
It was also during this time where emotions were running high and a lot of things weren’t going as planned. It was the first time that I experienced what the feeling of “being hurt” and “scared” was. Even though I was doing things the adults didn’t want me to do, my friends doing meaningless things were also a problem. Compared to those who were trying to positively affect these children again, I hated the adults who punished without reason. Rather than teaching children what was right, they used punishment to make these children fall deeper into the hole..and because of this constant hurt and outburts, they turned for the worse.

The adults labeled these children who had just entered high school as “problem teens”, while the parents cried because they “raised a juvenile delinquent”. Even for those who, in the beginning weren’t doing much harm, but after being kicked out of school, transferred to a new one and having the label as a “problem child” made them fall deeper into their delinquent activities.

看着我身边的朋友在改变 , 我慢慢开始自己进入一个黑暗的洞.
I slowly started to fall into a dark hole myself after watching my friends change around me.

english translation : jwalkervip , SO2TW
chinese translation : 小薯@ Bigbang · YG Famliy