Gripped in Jesus
are real people, who face real life issues that are not always easy. It
isn’t that we lack faith; rather, it is the length of the journey while
waiting expectantly for the response of heaven. This time of year can
make difficult things seem particularly heightened. Tender places in our
hearts seem even more tender. Every part of our lives, every difficult
place is an opportunity for triumph. In every situation, we are
attracted to God’s fullness… not fear, intimidation, negativity or
hopelessness. We are gripped by all that Jesus is for us.
- Jane Hansen Hoyt
Character matters.
Talent can take you to heights where only character can sustain you. - A. R. Bernard
Commitment II
To protect his/her thinking, heart and body is a commitment to make before marriage kind of commitment.
In Passion and Purity, Elisabeth Elliot states, "Unless a man is prepared to ask a woman to be his wife, what right has he to claim her exclusive attention? Unless she has been asked to marry him, why would a sensible woman promise any man her exclusive attention?"
The Heart of Life
John Mayer
I hate to see you cry
Lying there in that position
There's things you need to hear
So turn off your tears
And listen
Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good
You know, it's nothing new
Bad news never had good timing
Then, circle of your friends
Will defend the silver lining
Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good
Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
Fear is a friend who's misunderstood
But I know the heart of life is good
I know it's good
Lying there in that position
There's things you need to hear
So turn off your tears
And listen
Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good
You know, it's nothing new
Bad news never had good timing
Then, circle of your friends
Will defend the silver lining
Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good
Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
Fear is a friend who's misunderstood
But I know the heart of life is good
I know it's good
"Remember who the enemy is." - The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Many times we were so distracted we cannot recognise who the real enemy is.
Focus! Focus on the I AM and let Him shape you into the I am that He has intended you to be.
Talk to Him. Listen attentively to His voice. Taste and see that He is good.
Observe your Sabbath so you won't miss the portion of your blessings.
Make Jesus your first love and all things will fall into places accordingly.
But God!
Some of the things would be harder for us Christians because we were called to be set apart from the rest - we have a totally different standard to meet and to strive for. It was a tough week for me but God! God in His timing is bringing me deliverance and then to a whole new level of faith and understanding in Him. It was tough but in Him nothing is impossible, in Him all things are made anew, in Him I am made able. I will shine forth His glory!
During worship on Sunday Nov 17, 2013, Barbara Wentroble joined Chuck Pierce in prophesying:
During worship on Sunday Nov 17, 2013, Barbara Wentroble joined Chuck Pierce in prophesying:
"If you will invite Me down this week then I will
enter your atmosphere and change that which you've been trying to change. I have power and strength to overcome, and if you will invite Me in, you will
overcome this week and deliverance will come to you!
"For I AM a God who is shaking everything that can be
shaken. This is a season you shall shake; you shall see Me shake everything
that would hold back My coming Glory. I shall shake the gainsayers; I
shall shake the mockers, and I shall shake those that would oppose and stand
against this that I have prepared for this season. Watch Me begin to shake
that which seemed unshakeable, in days past.
"For this is a turn-around season. I'm
getting ready to turn around some things that would not turn. I'm getting
ready to turn the vault on the door that would not open. Watch Me turn the
bolt and open the door, and watch Me shake the unshakeable. Watch Me release
that which I have said in days past - that the Glory of this latter house
would be greater than the Glory of the former. As I shake and as I open, I Am
releasing a new dimension of My Glory!"
"Your chief ministry is always to God. At the very least give God a
tithe of your day in worship. Not worship and prayer and reading
scriptures or meditating - JUST worship. Get used to always turning and
yielding in your heart to the Lord. Understand that if your discipline
is not earthed in delight, you won’t have the desire to see it through."
From Graham Cooke, The Indwelling Presence
From Graham Cooke, The Indwelling Presence
It is no longer I, my, me & mine
Buried my own self-desire.
It was not easy and it hurt so freaking much.
But I know God is at work.
For two days I have mourned.
But today onward I will war against grief and sorrowfulness.
The joy from my Father is my strength and my standing ground.
I am not going to let disobedience and resistance to changes hinder me from entering into God's now time for me.
I am pushing through despite having to resist what my flesh would so eagerly desire.
I am breaking forth in victory through Him who gives me strength and revelation.
I am becoming who He wants me to be.
And I thank God for the people that He has sent to help me.
RAWR! The Judah in me is going forth in worship and praise for the I AM.
I have been defeated but not this time.
I have had my life destroyed but not this time.
I have turned my back against You but not this time.
This time I choose to stand on His promises and fix my gaze upon Him solely.
In Him, I can.
It was not easy and it hurt so freaking much.
But I know God is at work.
For two days I have mourned.
But today onward I will war against grief and sorrowfulness.
The joy from my Father is my strength and my standing ground.
I am not going to let disobedience and resistance to changes hinder me from entering into God's now time for me.
I am pushing through despite having to resist what my flesh would so eagerly desire.
I am breaking forth in victory through Him who gives me strength and revelation.
I am becoming who He wants me to be.
And I thank God for the people that He has sent to help me.
RAWR! The Judah in me is going forth in worship and praise for the I AM.
I have been defeated but not this time.
I have had my life destroyed but not this time.
I have turned my back against You but not this time.
This time I choose to stand on His promises and fix my gaze upon Him solely.
In Him, I can.
The quicker I submit to the hand of God, the quicker I can resist the devil.
- Pam Pierce
It is hard but it is worthy.
Delayed Gratification
This sudden madness
I was caught off guard
I followed the flow
I dived in
Deeper, deeper and deeper
Then I was lost
Maybe I should have back off
But I was not taught of how
And it's too late already
I thought
Then a voice said
Let go and let Me intervene
I will teach you how and where to flow
You need only to obey and trust
It seems so hard now but it will get better
If only you fix your eyes on Me
It takes some time so patience it is
This isn't an easy-travel road anyways
But the promises and the fruits are sweet and real
Grieve not
For the better are yet to come
In a way you least expected it
Let not the tear blinds you
From seeing My goodness and faithfulness
I was caught off guard
I followed the flow
I dived in
Deeper, deeper and deeper
Then I was lost
Maybe I should have back off
But I was not taught of how
And it's too late already
I thought
Then a voice said
Let go and let Me intervene
I will teach you how and where to flow
You need only to obey and trust
It seems so hard now but it will get better
If only you fix your eyes on Me
It takes some time so patience it is
This isn't an easy-travel road anyways
But the promises and the fruits are sweet and real
Grieve not
For the better are yet to come
In a way you least expected it
Let not the tear blinds you
From seeing My goodness and faithfulness
Anticipation is good, anxiety is not! God cares for you and is concerned with every thing that matters to you. In the midst of everything that confronts you today, humble yourself before God, talk with Him, and those things that weigh you down will be rightly distributed by Him! Once you let it go, let God! (I Peter 5:7) - Al Hauck
Resolving what needs to be resolved
No more running away.
This time I'm going to face it right.
And suddenly, I'm free!
This time I'm going to face it right.
And suddenly, I'm free!
On Sabbath
Mark Driscoll: 7 Things That Will Ruin Your Sabbath
1. A Poor Work Ethic
If you don’t do your work during the week, you will end up doing your work on your day off. If you are disorganized, lazy, late, or prone to procrastinate, your day off will get devoured by a bunch of tasks that should be done already.
2. Religious Rules
Let the Holy Spirit guide and direct your Sabbath. Religious people want to remove the Holy Spirit and replace him with their rules, but their rules never work. We are not to be filled with rules; we’re to be filled with the Spirit who helps us to obey the word of God. Everyone’s day off is going to look a little different. If you find something that works for you, you can make rules for yourself, but you can’t impose your rules on anybody else—because you didn’t write the Bible.
3. Observing A Sabbath Day Without A Sabbath Heart
Sometimes you get to your day off, but you’re still anxious, stressed, sleepless, and unable to sit down and enjoy it. Your heart isn’t able to Sabbath. Perhaps your identity is in your work, so when you’re not working you lose all sense of value. Or perhaps you need to find away to take your thoughts captive. I always carry a notebook, and if something comes to mind on my Sabbath day, I write it down so that it’s out of my head and I can get to it later.
4. A Pharaoh
Our pharaoh today tends to fit in our pocket. One of the great Sabbath-killers is the smartphone: ever-present, dominating our whole life, interrupting at all hours, and demanding our constant attention with e-mails, social media, articles, calls, texts, and more. Technology will kill your Sabbath if you don’t establish some boundaries. If your phone does not Sabbath, your soul cannot Sabbath.
5. Not Planning Your Sabbath—In Pencil
Have you ever made it to your day off only to find you have no plan and no idea how you want to use it? The day disappears before you even begin to enjoy it. Or maybe you’re more likely to over-plan and turn your Sabbath into another day filled with tasks. Plan your Sabbath, but plan it in pencil. Allow a little flexibility and spontaneity, and make adjustments as you go.
6. Resting From Your Work Instead of Resting for Your Work
Work is not sinful. Before sin ever entered the world, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it” (Gen. 1:15). It wasn’t until after the Fall that work became toilsome. In some way, a fruitful Sabbath must prepare you and energize you for the work God has called you to do during the other six days of the week.
7. Stimulants Instead of Sabbath
We sabotage our rest when we use stimulants instead of Sabbath. Rather than taking a break, we consume coffee, carbs, candy, energy drinks, and soft drinks all day. Then we go home stressed, we watch TV, we surf the Internet, and some will drink into the evening. The result is a population full of caffeinated, drunk, grumpy, phone-answering, Sabbath-violating wrecks. We call it “America.”
On this point, it’s worthwhile to consider God’s pattern at creation, which includes the refrain, “And there was evening and there was morning” to mark each day (Gen. 1). According to the Bible, a new day starts at sundown. Your day doesn’t begin when the alarm goes off; it starts with a healthy dinner and a good night’s sleep to replenish you for the daytime ahead.
The average person needs 8–9 hours of sleep and gets much less than that. Those who cannot get time to sleep because they have too much work are forgetting that part of the work God has assigned to them is sleep.
Remember the Sabbath
Look at your whole life. Seek to arrange your days in such a way that allows you to get things done, and make sure that one of those things is resting in God, enjoying time with him, using the life he has given you, and being with the people he has surrounded you with. That is the heart of the Sabbath.
Are you prone to kill yourself by working too hard? Or do you avoid work as much as possible? In which direction is the Holy Spirit calling you to repent? A Sabbath cannot save you—only Jesus can do that—but there is great wisdom in working hard for six days and then enjoying a true day off as he did while on the earth.
This article was originally posted on The Resurgence website.
Pastor Mark Driscoll is the founding pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Washington, and is one of the world’s most downloaded and quoted pastors. He was named one of the 25 most influential pastors of the past 25 years by Preaching magazine in 2010. His audience, fans and critics alike, spans the theological and cultural left and right.
Pray for Rulers/Leaders
Not against them.
by Lance Wallnau
I had a chilling....I mean chilling realization last night. This week marked the 50th anniversary of the assassination of JFK. I live in Dallas and can feel the strange wrestling between a religious spirit and the Spirit of God. This mighty city is a spiritual epicenter for Gods move. I believe the Lord was showing me something last night. The church is told to "pray for rulers and for everyone who has authority over us" (1 Tim 2:2) Why? -- "so that we can have a quiet and peaceful life" Evidently prayer for rulers has an effect on rulers and that has an effect on us. The outcome for us when we pray "for" rulers is - "a quiet and peaceable life." The death of JFK marked the turning point in America's "quiet and peaceable" history. After the assassination we entered a new era with campus and sexual revolt, glamorizing of rebellion and drug induced escapism in rock, along with the War in Vietnam. During this turbulent time we had race riots and the deaths of Martin Luther King and RFK. November 22, 1963 was the day that deflowered the mythology of Camelot that briefly captured the imagination of Americans in the young Kennedy house. The devil cannot be everywhere, but he is ALWAYS SOMEWHERE! On Nov 22, 1963 at 12:30 PM he was on the 6th floor in the School Book Depository in Dallas Texas. If prayer for rulers can be positive - HOW ABOUT PRAYER "AGAINST" RULERS? Does it have any influence? Praying to effect someone or something outside of love or the activity of Gods Spirit is not Biblical praying. It enters a realm of either "Psychic Prayers" (which effects you more than you know) or "Witchcraft." Thats right - Christians often move in witchcraft. These are prayers of manipulation and judgement born of the flesh but empowered oddly by our agreement." As I contemplated this I randomly ran into this quote in a Dallas 50th anniversary article; "JOHN F. KENNEDY WAS JUST DAYS from securing the 1960 Democratic nomination for president when Dr. W.A. Criswell strode, bible in hand, to the carved wooden altar of the mighty First Baptist Church in Dallas. Chopping the July air with disdain, he prophesied that the election of the Catholic Kennedy would “spell the death of a free church in a free state.” "The following week, when Kennedy was nominated on the first ballot, it came with an added sting for Criswell and other conservative Texans: Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson, a son of the Hill Country, joined the ticket in the No. 2 spot. Dallas Rep. Bruce Alger, Texas’ lone Republican in Congress, called it a capitulation “to radical forces of the East and North.” With its own particular brew of affluence, fundamentalism and inflexibility, Dallas was the epicenter of incredible hatred and distortion regarding Kennedy. There was a strange atmosphere in Dallas and fears of an incident were ripe in the security detail. The Rev. Criswell added to this by releasing over 100,000 booklets against Kennedy, stirring anxiety about his Catholic agenda and links to the Vatican. Ridiculous fears, in light of our current understanding of the Kennedy White House. The President went in a vehicle with the roof uncovered and his head uncovered. The intercession of the church (Pentecostal as well as Fundamentalist) was largely praying "against" him - not "for" him, and removed the final covering. There was nothing good that came out of that death. In fact, many speculate that JFK had plans to de-escalate our involvement in Vietnam, where LBJ increased our engagement. Pray FOR rulers - not AGAINST them. The religious spirit is a mean spirit. It is political in nature. It is an aspect of Jezebel that most people miss. It is the combination of forces that caused John the Baptist to loose his head - caught somewhere between Herod's wife in her judgment of John and the seductive dance of her daughter. Does this make sense?
by Lance Wallnau
I had a chilling....I mean chilling realization last night. This week marked the 50th anniversary of the assassination of JFK. I live in Dallas and can feel the strange wrestling between a religious spirit and the Spirit of God. This mighty city is a spiritual epicenter for Gods move. I believe the Lord was showing me something last night. The church is told to "pray for rulers and for everyone who has authority over us" (1 Tim 2:2) Why? -- "so that we can have a quiet and peaceful life" Evidently prayer for rulers has an effect on rulers and that has an effect on us. The outcome for us when we pray "for" rulers is - "a quiet and peaceable life." The death of JFK marked the turning point in America's "quiet and peaceable" history. After the assassination we entered a new era with campus and sexual revolt, glamorizing of rebellion and drug induced escapism in rock, along with the War in Vietnam. During this turbulent time we had race riots and the deaths of Martin Luther King and RFK. November 22, 1963 was the day that deflowered the mythology of Camelot that briefly captured the imagination of Americans in the young Kennedy house. The devil cannot be everywhere, but he is ALWAYS SOMEWHERE! On Nov 22, 1963 at 12:30 PM he was on the 6th floor in the School Book Depository in Dallas Texas. If prayer for rulers can be positive - HOW ABOUT PRAYER "AGAINST" RULERS? Does it have any influence? Praying to effect someone or something outside of love or the activity of Gods Spirit is not Biblical praying. It enters a realm of either "Psychic Prayers" (which effects you more than you know) or "Witchcraft." Thats right - Christians often move in witchcraft. These are prayers of manipulation and judgement born of the flesh but empowered oddly by our agreement." As I contemplated this I randomly ran into this quote in a Dallas 50th anniversary article; "JOHN F. KENNEDY WAS JUST DAYS from securing the 1960 Democratic nomination for president when Dr. W.A. Criswell strode, bible in hand, to the carved wooden altar of the mighty First Baptist Church in Dallas. Chopping the July air with disdain, he prophesied that the election of the Catholic Kennedy would “spell the death of a free church in a free state.” "The following week, when Kennedy was nominated on the first ballot, it came with an added sting for Criswell and other conservative Texans: Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson, a son of the Hill Country, joined the ticket in the No. 2 spot. Dallas Rep. Bruce Alger, Texas’ lone Republican in Congress, called it a capitulation “to radical forces of the East and North.” With its own particular brew of affluence, fundamentalism and inflexibility, Dallas was the epicenter of incredible hatred and distortion regarding Kennedy. There was a strange atmosphere in Dallas and fears of an incident were ripe in the security detail. The Rev. Criswell added to this by releasing over 100,000 booklets against Kennedy, stirring anxiety about his Catholic agenda and links to the Vatican. Ridiculous fears, in light of our current understanding of the Kennedy White House. The President went in a vehicle with the roof uncovered and his head uncovered. The intercession of the church (Pentecostal as well as Fundamentalist) was largely praying "against" him - not "for" him, and removed the final covering. There was nothing good that came out of that death. In fact, many speculate that JFK had plans to de-escalate our involvement in Vietnam, where LBJ increased our engagement. Pray FOR rulers - not AGAINST them. The religious spirit is a mean spirit. It is political in nature. It is an aspect of Jezebel that most people miss. It is the combination of forces that caused John the Baptist to loose his head - caught somewhere between Herod's wife in her judgment of John and the seductive dance of her daughter. Does this make sense?
It's Real
Olivia Ong
Lying down, underneath the stars
thinking about the way you looked into my eyes and told me how you feel
i dont know if my heart and mind are singing the same tune
need to know coz within me is a mix of fear, a little thrill
Can't believe what i feel is real
feelings that's hard to conceal
i would hold you in my arms if you were mine forevermore
You and i
i never thought i'd fall for you
the best thing underneath the twinkling stars
my heart desires to be close to you
so you can take my hand and embrace me now
minimizing all my fears and i know
that all my doubts will disappear
there's nothing to conceal
it's real
And i tried, i cant seem to get myself to think of anything but you
i keep falling deeper
but it gets sweeter too
everything, every single thing about you touches my heart in a way
i have never felt like this before, it's real
Can't believe what i feel is real
feelings that's hard to conceal
i would hold you in my arms if you were mine forevermore
You and i
i never thought i'd fall for you
the best thing underneath the twinkling stars
my heart desires to be close to you
so you can take my hand and embrace me now
minimizing all my fears and i know
that all my doubts will disappear
there's nothing to conceal
it's real
Can't believe what i feel is real
feelings that's hard to conceal
i would hold you in my arms if you were mine forevermore
You and i
i never thought i'd fall for you
the best thing underneath the twinkling stars
my heart desires to be close to you
so you can take my hand and embrace me now
minimizing all my fears and i know
that all my doubts will disappear
there's nothing to conceal
it's real
thinking about the way you looked into my eyes and told me how you feel
i dont know if my heart and mind are singing the same tune
need to know coz within me is a mix of fear, a little thrill
Can't believe what i feel is real
feelings that's hard to conceal
i would hold you in my arms if you were mine forevermore
You and i
i never thought i'd fall for you
the best thing underneath the twinkling stars
my heart desires to be close to you
so you can take my hand and embrace me now
minimizing all my fears and i know
that all my doubts will disappear
there's nothing to conceal
it's real
And i tried, i cant seem to get myself to think of anything but you
i keep falling deeper
but it gets sweeter too
everything, every single thing about you touches my heart in a way
i have never felt like this before, it's real
Can't believe what i feel is real
feelings that's hard to conceal
i would hold you in my arms if you were mine forevermore
You and i
i never thought i'd fall for you
the best thing underneath the twinkling stars
my heart desires to be close to you
so you can take my hand and embrace me now
minimizing all my fears and i know
that all my doubts will disappear
there's nothing to conceal
it's real
Can't believe what i feel is real
feelings that's hard to conceal
i would hold you in my arms if you were mine forevermore
You and i
i never thought i'd fall for you
the best thing underneath the twinkling stars
my heart desires to be close to you
so you can take my hand and embrace me now
minimizing all my fears and i know
that all my doubts will disappear
there's nothing to conceal
it's real
Assignment. Semester 2.
Environmental Psychology group assignment :-
Syopz Corridor, Taylor's University Lakeside Campus.
Syopz Corridor, Taylor's University Lakeside Campus.
想到別的地方 讓思緒重組。
只能留在腦海裡 或消滅掉。
Romans 5:3-5 (NIV)
Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
The King is in the Field!
Words and Music by John Dickson, GOZ
Before me lay the wheat fields
But my charge was to the corners and the edges
My inheritance waas lost
So I ventured out into the field to glean
A day of small beginning, a day of humble means
Still I was determined to do my best
With that was given me
But the King was in the field where I went to glean
The King was in the field and His eyes fell on me
And I beheld His majesty
His favour came down on me
He brought me from my labours
To the chambers of the King
At the threshing floor I laid myself down at His feet
He offered me the corners of His robe a covering
Restoring my provision and a song to sing
The covenant had been there all along
I just couldn't see
He brought me back now I've been redeemed
He secured my future took away my grief
The Better One
Torn between 2 decisions.
Both are not wrong.
One pleases me more.
But another one pleases God more.
You know, oftimes, choosing the better one causes more heartache and tears.
Both are not wrong.
One pleases me more.
But another one pleases God more.
You know, oftimes, choosing the better one causes more heartache and tears.
It takes sacrifices to follow Him.
Covenant vs slavery
One difference between
covenant and slavery: in covenant, you desire to lay your dreams down
to see someone else's fulfilled. In slavery, you feel you are made to
shut the door on your dreams, as though you have no choice.
Honor covenants, run from bondage. Live free.
- Quoted fromJames Vincent
Honor covenants, run from bondage. Live free.
- Quoted fromJames Vincent
Fulfilling Calling
"If we do not fully prize our calling, we will fall away from destiny when hard times arrive. We will see situations as trouble, problems or difficulties rather than opportunities that can propel us toward fulfillment of prophecy. We can only take the highest place when we have used the lowest place effectively. The humility we gain in the valley becomes our authority on the mountain."
Quoted Graham Cooke, Prophetic Wisdom
The Smile Project
For my dear friend, Grace.
Love you, sweety. :)
Love you, sweety. :)
Smile! Who knows whose :( heart you can touch today?
Smile! Enjoy all that God has for you. He is the best reason for your smile. :D
Presence vs. Faith
I enjoy walking in His presence.
But there are times when I feel awful and just cannot seem to feel His presence.
Everything seems so wrong and demotivating then.
One thing for sure: Even if I cannot feel Him, He is still there.
I only need to lift up my faith and believe in Him.
It's time to practice faith.
I do not have to feel great everyday but I know even during those times when I feel left out of His presence, I can enjoy my walk in faith in Him.
其實,很常都覺得自己在虛度光陰。每天都要不斷地警惕自己要珍惜時間,別浪費太多時間在午睡、無謂之事等。可很常都在不經意間就將歲月蹉跎了。時間吶真是一門很難的學問。但願自己能有伊薩迦支派(Tribe of Issachar)的恩膏智慧,能明白時間並走在上帝鎖定的時間及應許裡。
另外一件上帝時時都在提醒自己的是,無論處在任何環境裡 - 頂端或低谷,都要有顆敬佩讚美神的心(猶大支派)。猶大要領先!(Judah goes first!)沒有什麼事是一顆決定要榮耀上帝之心所不能突破的!要警醒禱告,別被敵人矇騙了!
另外一件上帝時時都在提醒自己的是,無論處在任何環境裡 - 頂端或低谷,都要有顆敬佩讚美神的心(猶大支派)。猶大要領先!(Judah goes first!)沒有什麼事是一顆決定要榮耀上帝之心所不能突破的!要警醒禱告,別被敵人矇騙了!
"There is no point in wallowing around in what we are not when the Lord is saying that we can get right back on track. You know what grace is? Grace is the capacity and the freedom to rise right back, not just to the level from which you fell, but to a level above that place." - quoted Graham Cooke, Turning Passivity into Prophecy
I believe. Because this is exactly what is happening in my life right now. He is faithful.
Personal Needs are Personal
is moving us from a place of getting our needs met. Getting your needs
met is a deeply personal thing that you have between you and God. That’s
why if you have a need, don’t tell anybody because it’s hugely
personal. It’s where God wants to show up for you. You’ll never grow in
faith as long as you’re hinting that you’ve got a need to somebody
human. There’s only one person you need to talk about it with and He’s
well able to do a miracle!"
- quoted Graham Cooke, Taking God for Granted
His Promises Prevail
To be honest, oft times when it comes to endless submissions (which also means sleepless nights due to assignments), I can feel that surge of lifelessness penetrating the core of my emotions, so genuinely. I feel as if I am robot-ised or zombie-fied, having not a sense of purpose to life.
But I know God's promises are valid from everlasting to everlasting. I will strive my best to realise my destiny, even if it would require me to go through the zombie land. I believe in all these as God's preparation for us to enter fully into our future inheritance.
(disclaimer: I don't believe in zombie at all. It's just for the sake of depicting my current situation.)
But I know God's promises are valid from everlasting to everlasting. I will strive my best to realise my destiny, even if it would require me to go through the zombie land. I believe in all these as God's preparation for us to enter fully into our future inheritance.
(disclaimer: I don't believe in zombie at all. It's just for the sake of depicting my current situation.)
On Passion
discipline is rooted in desire. You shouldn't be asking the Lord to
give you the discipline of prayer, you should ask Him to give you the
delight of praying! If you are going to ask Him for anything, ask for
passion. A passion to pray, for the lost, for the prophetic, whatever it
might be. God is extremely passionate about everything."
- Graham Cooke, The Art of Thinkng Brilliantly
Friends :D
God has never failed to bless me with good friends. Though most of them are not those whom I would normally pour my heart to, I know I can trust them. And having someone you can trust is a huge blessing, really. #immahappygirl
Blowing the Trumpets: Awake to the Goodness of God!
Ron Sawka
Arise 5 Weekly Update
Sept. 03, 2013 / Elul 28, 5773“In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a sabbath-rest, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation” (Lev. 23:24).
This Friday is Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the new Hebrew Year 5774. It is also the date of one of my favorite feasts, Blowing of Trumpets. As feasts go, it was very simple—just blow the shofar all day long. But, I love the symbolism. Whether or not we actually blow a shofar, we are declaring to ourselves—as well as to our families, neighborhoods, workplaces, and nations—that God is good and that it is time to wake up to His goodness. Here are thirteen declarations to make, or thirteen reasons to blow the shofar:
- We celebrate the goodness of God. The more we properly celebrate and are thankful, the more the Lord can give us in the next season.
- Prepare ourselves for the day of atonement. Jesus died to redeem us. We are declaring that we want each and every seed of unrighteousness or rebellion to be taken out of us.
- We remember God’s grace to Abraham. He provided the ram at just the right time. We want the whole year to be covered by the blood of Jesus.
- A day to remember the creation of the world (Job 38:7). The Lord wants us to rule and reign on the earth. Be sure to activate joy.
- We remember that there is grace and abundant provision for the new year.
- It’s a coronation day. We declare again (and again) that Jesus is Lord (Ps. 98:6).
- It’s a time of God’s judging. Often, important economic events/shifts take place during this time. We remember that it is the Lord—and not chaos —who is over all the systems of the world.
- Psalm 81 is devoted to this day. Be sure to read it.
- Come forth in the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus entered the wilderness on the first day of Elul (6th month) and emerged on the Day of Atonement (Tishrei 10). From then on, He walked in the power of the Holy Spirit. That is what He wants for each of us.
- A time to remember the second coming. Yes, Jesus is indeed coming back (1 Thess. 4:16–17).
- A time to have fun with your family.
- A time of reconciliation. God brought reconciliation to Jacob and Esau (who then went their separate ways). He can do the same for you.
- A time to put on spiritual armor. The Lord is gathering us for war to advance the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 14:8).
You and I
Somewhere in between us,
there are calls to be obedient and patient,
there are challenges to face and overcome.
there are calls to be obedient and patient,
there are challenges to face and overcome.
In Him.
Is it God's will or a religious spirit?
by Lance Wallnau
IT's 11:11 - time for this EVENING"S PROPHETIC WORD!
Balance - so hard to achieve. Those who are driven by a perpetual thirst for success, wealth and significance, seldom hear or heed the summons to serve, write big checks and pray for others.
Those who swing to the polar opposite, perpetually seek God (so it seems)... but their spirituality is linked to poverty, social ineffectiveness and toxicity. Especially in their criticism of all those who believe in "prosperity."
In the middle of these extremes are those who balance on the razor's edge of real SPIRITUALITY and SUCCESS. I have fallen into both ditches. (The one without money was worse.)
A religious spirit is subtle because it occupies you with "God thought's" all day long. But the religious spirit tells you that you need to pray more, fast more, do never quite feel right unless somehow you are suffering.
This belief sets you up to sabotage any opportunity that comes your way to prosper and have social status. It feels unclean.
The supreme measure of true spirituality, the highest objective God has for man is "obedience" not suffering. The Prophet Samuel rebuked King Saul when he confused the issue of obedience and sacrifice, saying: "To OBEY is better than sacrifice"
Here's a thought that flips my mind...
To SACRIFICE when obedience requires you to prosper is the height of disobedience!
To turn down a promotion in order to better serve God, when God sent that promotion, is disobedience.
To be sad when God say's to be happy is disobedience. To fast on a feast day is disobedience.
The nature of a religious spirit is to make you feel guilty for pleasure - at all times. Thus robbing God of the joy of blessing you.
What was the CUP Jesus had to drink? Was it the cup of sacrifice? No, I think it was the cup of OBEDIENCE. Before the will of the Father was absolutely revealed the cup and God's revealed will were two separate things. Jesus prayed earnestly to know the Fathers will. He did not say " I want to be crucified, I must drink the cup" rather he prays in consecration to find the Father's will. As Jesus sees the cup of obedience becoming the cup of suffering, he says, "If it be possible take this cup away...yet not my will but thine be done." The will of God - obedience is the issue, not suffering.
In obedience he drinks the cup of suffering, and turn's it into the cup of blessing for us.
To serve God we are not called to chose sacrifice, rather we are called to chose the WILL OF GOD. If the will of God is sacrifice, then let us do so like soldiers. The crossroad's of life are not a choice between the cross and compromise with the devil. We don't come up to a cross at any crossroad - we CARRY a cross up to the crossroad! It is the instrument of judgement that enables us to practice self denial to stay true to the PURPOSE OF GOD! The cross we carry keeps us true to the purpose.
The cross is self denial. We deny ourself whenever temptation solicits us to detour from the path of purpose. At other times the cross enables us to judge the religious spirit, because above all, the cross of Jesus is the only sacrifice that counts with God. Your sacrifice is not needed. All our suffering does not add a thing to His perfectly finished work, and that's the scariest subtlety of all about a religious spirit - it is rooted in a "self righteous spirit." A spirit that substitute's our suffering for FAITH and GRACE, two gifts made available through HIS sacrifice, not ours.
IT's 11:11 - time for this EVENING"S PROPHETIC WORD!
Balance - so hard to achieve. Those who are driven by a perpetual thirst for success, wealth and significance, seldom hear or heed the summons to serve, write big checks and pray for others.
Those who swing to the polar opposite, perpetually seek God (so it seems)... but their spirituality is linked to poverty, social ineffectiveness and toxicity. Especially in their criticism of all those who believe in "prosperity."
In the middle of these extremes are those who balance on the razor's edge of real SPIRITUALITY and SUCCESS. I have fallen into both ditches. (The one without money was worse.)
A religious spirit is subtle because it occupies you with "God thought's" all day long. But the religious spirit tells you that you need to pray more, fast more, do never quite feel right unless somehow you are suffering.
This belief sets you up to sabotage any opportunity that comes your way to prosper and have social status. It feels unclean.
The supreme measure of true spirituality, the highest objective God has for man is "obedience" not suffering. The Prophet Samuel rebuked King Saul when he confused the issue of obedience and sacrifice, saying: "To OBEY is better than sacrifice"
Here's a thought that flips my mind...
To SACRIFICE when obedience requires you to prosper is the height of disobedience!
To turn down a promotion in order to better serve God, when God sent that promotion, is disobedience.
To be sad when God say's to be happy is disobedience. To fast on a feast day is disobedience.
The nature of a religious spirit is to make you feel guilty for pleasure - at all times. Thus robbing God of the joy of blessing you.
What was the CUP Jesus had to drink? Was it the cup of sacrifice? No, I think it was the cup of OBEDIENCE. Before the will of the Father was absolutely revealed the cup and God's revealed will were two separate things. Jesus prayed earnestly to know the Fathers will. He did not say " I want to be crucified, I must drink the cup" rather he prays in consecration to find the Father's will. As Jesus sees the cup of obedience becoming the cup of suffering, he says, "If it be possible take this cup away...yet not my will but thine be done." The will of God - obedience is the issue, not suffering.
In obedience he drinks the cup of suffering, and turn's it into the cup of blessing for us.
To serve God we are not called to chose sacrifice, rather we are called to chose the WILL OF GOD. If the will of God is sacrifice, then let us do so like soldiers. The crossroad's of life are not a choice between the cross and compromise with the devil. We don't come up to a cross at any crossroad - we CARRY a cross up to the crossroad! It is the instrument of judgement that enables us to practice self denial to stay true to the PURPOSE OF GOD! The cross we carry keeps us true to the purpose.
The cross is self denial. We deny ourself whenever temptation solicits us to detour from the path of purpose. At other times the cross enables us to judge the religious spirit, because above all, the cross of Jesus is the only sacrifice that counts with God. Your sacrifice is not needed. All our suffering does not add a thing to His perfectly finished work, and that's the scariest subtlety of all about a religious spirit - it is rooted in a "self righteous spirit." A spirit that substitute's our suffering for FAITH and GRACE, two gifts made available through HIS sacrifice, not ours.
Passion & Focus
gives us focus, not just on where we are going but the manner in which
we get there. Passion doesn’t require specific goals or outcomes.
Whereas focus will make sure we arrive, passion is what will get us
there in the best possible shape because we will have thoroughly enjoyed
the journey with all its twists and turns!"
- Graham Cooke, Keys to Brilliant Focus
trusting in God, when something happens the first thing you do is
worry, be fearful, panic, react, get anxious, get angry. It’s not
peaceful. It’s not joyful. It’s situational. Trust has to become a
lifestyle so the first thing out of your mouth is thank you Lord Jesus.
You rejoice that He’s with you and that He’s for you. It’s all part of
His plan and purposes and you know that you need a little patience,
authority, wisdom, faith or trust. You’re going to learn something so
you want to make sure it’s the right thing!"
- Graham Cooke, The Process Series
Leap of faith
And there again, He is teaching me another chapter about faith.
You know, insecurity always sucks. It's the sign of lack of faith, lack of trust. It means to look through the lenses of doubtfulness and fear.
After a few years of waiting, again, He said, "wait for another 3-4 years." It requires great patience and firm faith in waiting for something without solid evidence of it happening after all those delays. Honestly, I am not a very patient person. And I am definitely not the one with greater faith than the others. But I know, God gave me dream and made me ask someone (of higher authority) so that I'll have confirmation that this is the season I must learn to obey and practice self-control. I like how my friend puts it, "Patience is bitter, but it's fruit is sweet." God is a faithful Gardener.
It's a long long journey and it's definitely not an easy one. But in Him I put my trust.
His grace is suffice for me to keep moving.
You know, insecurity always sucks. It's the sign of lack of faith, lack of trust. It means to look through the lenses of doubtfulness and fear.
After a few years of waiting, again, He said, "wait for another 3-4 years." It requires great patience and firm faith in waiting for something without solid evidence of it happening after all those delays. Honestly, I am not a very patient person. And I am definitely not the one with greater faith than the others. But I know, God gave me dream and made me ask someone (of higher authority) so that I'll have confirmation that this is the season I must learn to obey and practice self-control. I like how my friend puts it, "Patience is bitter, but it's fruit is sweet." God is a faithful Gardener.
It's a long long journey and it's definitely not an easy one. But in Him I put my trust.
His grace is suffice for me to keep moving.
No regrets.
See through Him
A lot of times we choose what we hear and see what we see. Most probably that is why we are so anxious and fearful of the future. Choose everyday to align your heart and mind with God's. You will see great transformations in yourself and also how people and your surrounding react back to you as you do all things according to His will.
The Power of Your Spoken Word
The Blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony are the power for your overcoming every scheme of darkness! The way you speak and what you speak determine whether you experience freedom from generational curse structures or propagate them for another generation. Jesus came to set captives free, embrace His freedom! (Matthew 27:25)
- quoted Al Hauck
Does Happiness Really Matter?
Came across a line while listening to a song,
In actual fact, God's main purpose is not that we'd be the happiest beings alive. Happiness is not so much His concern compared to His will for us - that we'd be holy, obedient and righteous before Him. That we'd strive to accomplish His missions for us. Of course, this does not mean that He doesn't care about our well-being at all. He has plans for all of us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hopes and a future. He cares.
In Him we find joy which differs from happiness. It's a state where we rejoice and be grateful in all circumstances, positive or otherwise. It is the engine that keeps us moving especially when everything seems bleak, for it is the joy of the Lord that gives us strength.
Coming back to happiness.
It's merely emotion that we are experiencing. People putting so much emphasis on it which, I believe, has led to the degradation of their moral standing and also their discernment regarding issues in life.
If we concentrate too much and solely on our emotions, we tend to lose focus of His Word. His Word should always be the foundation we are standing on. This simply means that we should act based on the Word, not on our emotions. Some of the influence and exposure have caused us to believe that what we want is really what matters most. But I say, it's the least importance of all.
Have faith in God, focus on His promises, function to fulfill your calling.
The Joy of the Lord is your strength. Not happiness, it's only temporal. But the joy is for eternal.
Choose what is better and persevere without giving into hope deferred.
“ 沒有什麼事比快樂重要Immediately I am reminded of something I have heard awhile ago.
(nothing is more important than happiness)”
In actual fact, God's main purpose is not that we'd be the happiest beings alive. Happiness is not so much His concern compared to His will for us - that we'd be holy, obedient and righteous before Him. That we'd strive to accomplish His missions for us. Of course, this does not mean that He doesn't care about our well-being at all. He has plans for all of us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hopes and a future. He cares.
In Him we find joy which differs from happiness. It's a state where we rejoice and be grateful in all circumstances, positive or otherwise. It is the engine that keeps us moving especially when everything seems bleak, for it is the joy of the Lord that gives us strength.
Coming back to happiness.
It's merely emotion that we are experiencing. People putting so much emphasis on it which, I believe, has led to the degradation of their moral standing and also their discernment regarding issues in life.
"I am not happy being with him. I want a divorce/breakup."Bla bla bla. And the list goes on.
"This child in my womb will make my life miserable. I want an abortion."
"My parents cannot give me what I want. They don't care about my happiness. Therefore I don't feel the need to honour them."
"That lecturer is giving me so much assignments. I don't have time for fun. Curse him."
If we concentrate too much and solely on our emotions, we tend to lose focus of His Word. His Word should always be the foundation we are standing on. This simply means that we should act based on the Word, not on our emotions. Some of the influence and exposure have caused us to believe that what we want is really what matters most. But I say, it's the least importance of all.
Have faith in God, focus on His promises, function to fulfill your calling.
The Joy of the Lord is your strength. Not happiness, it's only temporal. But the joy is for eternal.
Choose what is better and persevere without giving into hope deferred.
Giving up to Him
And tears were brought to the eyes
Not knowing why and what to do
In desperation
Crying out
"Lord, teach me!"
And for that instance
Something within starts changing
In Him I hope
N-th day of my semester break.
I have so much to tell but I don't know where to begin with or should I even blog them.
All I can say is throughout, His faithfulness remains and in Him I'll persevere.
Talked a lot about the future lately. It's exciting.
So much lesser fear compared to few years ago. I'm not alone.
Yes, it's time to move on and I believe God is accelerating most of us into the future in this season.
And I definitely believe He has plans to prosper us and to bring us high and far.
I have dreams and as I go from one phase to another, my dreams expand.
I know I can dream bigger dreams each time I passed a test/trial because His faithfulness manifests in a greater degree in each next test/trial. And it simply brings your faith to a whole new level.
Because He is faithful, I am faith-full.
Candidly speaking, the timetable for next semester sucks.
But who knows what God can do through it to mold us into people with better characters and skills.
He is a creative God. And we are made in His image.
So we are His creative people - We have creative solutions to solve whatever lie ahead of us.
So, cheers.
I have so much to tell but I don't know where to begin with or should I even blog them.
All I can say is throughout, His faithfulness remains and in Him I'll persevere.
Talked a lot about the future lately. It's exciting.
So much lesser fear compared to few years ago. I'm not alone.
Yes, it's time to move on and I believe God is accelerating most of us into the future in this season.
And I definitely believe He has plans to prosper us and to bring us high and far.
I have dreams and as I go from one phase to another, my dreams expand.
I know I can dream bigger dreams each time I passed a test/trial because His faithfulness manifests in a greater degree in each next test/trial. And it simply brings your faith to a whole new level.
Because He is faithful, I am faith-full.
Candidly speaking, the timetable for next semester sucks.
But who knows what God can do through it to mold us into people with better characters and skills.
He is a creative God. And we are made in His image.
So we are His creative people - We have creative solutions to solve whatever lie ahead of us.
So, cheers.
Sometimes If we choose to ignore God, our heart hardens.
Similarly, when the Holy Spirit reminds you of a mistake/habit/practice that you need to change/curb, if you choose to remain in it, chances are that you will soon become immune to His voice and prompting.
Similarly, when the Holy Spirit reminds you of a mistake/habit/practice that you need to change/curb, if you choose to remain in it, chances are that you will soon become immune to His voice and prompting.
Saw a quote saying, "Cuddling in bed and falling asleep together is probably the best feeling in a relationship."
The best thing in a relationship is not physical - It is knowing you share the same Faith and goals.
The best thing in a relationship is not physical - It is knowing you share the same Faith and goals.
Consideration and support
Sometimes it is simply very hard to be considerate and supportive when your own selfish desire is involved.
Sometimes I wish things happen the way I wanted it to be but I suppose it's a lesson to be learned to prioritise God's will and destiny - not only for ourselves but also for other people - because our mistakes do not affect only us but our surrounding as well.
Submission is the word I guess - to be obedient to God's calling and to be obedient to aid others in fulfilling their assignments.
Sometimes I wish things happen the way I wanted it to be but I suppose it's a lesson to be learned to prioritise God's will and destiny - not only for ourselves but also for other people - because our mistakes do not affect only us but our surrounding as well.
Submission is the word I guess - to be obedient to God's calling and to be obedient to aid others in fulfilling their assignments.
Random phrases
Just some random phrases that come into my mind:
Every step you take counts. Be wise.
Some thing is just worth waiting for. Be patience.
When you face troubles, tell them, "But God!" Have faith. God has one more move!
When you are weary, go to the Source. :)
Every step you take counts. Be wise.
Some thing is just worth waiting for. Be patience.
When you face troubles, tell them, "But God!" Have faith. God has one more move!
When you are weary, go to the Source. :)
No regrets
Advancing the Kingdom of God through the Apostolic Prophetic Ministry @ 13 - 14 July 2013
I am thankful God led me there. :)
I am thankful God led me there. :)
Semester Break
Countdown: 11 days to the offical semester break.
I'm excited. I have too many thing-to-do on my list.
But still, must stay in Now. Cannot afford losing anymore time.
It's time to redeem all that I have lost. :)
I'm excited. I have too many thing-to-do on my list.
But still, must stay in Now. Cannot afford losing anymore time.
It's time to redeem all that I have lost. :)
Introducing A Newborn Baby
It's existence is due to the requirement of the course I'm currently taking. :)
常說,“ 休息是為了走更遠的路。”
要有決心: 安息日,我要遵守!
Jessie J
Never thought she would be this awesome. :D
Love those who can sing so well live/during recording.
Love those who can sing so well live/during recording.
因為愛情本屬兩人,是承諾,是盟約 -- 不可被毀壞。
因為愛能戰勝一切; 愛是永無止息。
因為愛情本屬兩人,是承諾,是盟約 -- 不可被毀壞。
因為愛能戰勝一切; 愛是永無止息。
Judah Goes First
I am Judah & I am going forth!
Be the river, walk the river, go forth as the river of God.
It's a new season and we just have to jump into the river boldly.
There will be manifestations but God will deal with it.
He is washing us anew. He is bringing us foward.
Be the river, walk the river, go forth as the river of God.
It's a new season and we just have to jump into the river boldly.
There will be manifestations but God will deal with it.
He is washing us anew. He is bringing us foward.
Faith Brings Peace and Joy
Sometimes you just wonder whether or not you have chosen the right path to walk on, especially when it has deviated so much from what you have been pursuing all the while. But she said I look more joyful and happier studying this course. I guess that is what matters most - to enjoy what you're doing.
God is the God of second chance. I believe what I have missed in the past He can redeem in the future. He will lead my path by bringing forth either eventual or abrupt changes as I journey along this path. My destiny I will not miss. I will strike the bull's eye with such precision that His Name be glorified. Of course, all these do not come by easily without any practice, test and trial. Perseverance is the key. Faith is the foundation.
Romans 5:3-5
× × ×
想寫些什麼,卻又覺得還不是時候。再等等吧! :)
God is the God of second chance. I believe what I have missed in the past He can redeem in the future. He will lead my path by bringing forth either eventual or abrupt changes as I journey along this path. My destiny I will not miss. I will strike the bull's eye with such precision that His Name be glorified. Of course, all these do not come by easily without any practice, test and trial. Perseverance is the key. Faith is the foundation.
Romans 5:3-5
3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
× × ×
想寫些什麼,卻又覺得還不是時候。再等等吧! :)
Say NO
to Procrastination.
After a whole two days of fun, it't time to really start working hard.
Should not pamper myself without discipline. I don't want to be a spoilt brat.
After a whole two days of fun, it't time to really start working hard.
Should not pamper myself without discipline. I don't want to be a spoilt brat.
Daniel 10:12-13
New International Version (NIV)
I pray for angels to be released to war against any spirit in the heavens assigned to block my prayers from being answered. In Jesus' Name, Amen!
Introducing Juwita Suwito
Juwita Suwito - Teman Sejati
Setiap kali aku menoleh ke belakang
Mencari-cari titik punca keretakan
Ku sedari tak wajar dipersalahkan
Dirimu yang kian ketandusan perasaan
Sesungguhnya yang tersilap diriku sendiri
Menaruh harapan padamu terlalu tinggi
Sangkaku orang memberi kita berbahasa
Tak terlintas susu disaji dibalas tuba
Setiap pengorbanan, setiap pemberian
Ku lakukan untukmu penuh ketulusan
Tiada yang diharap selain kejujuran
Bila diri dikhianati sungguh aku terkilan
Sememangnya bukan engkau bukan dia
Penilaianku dulu dikelabui mata
Namun ku temui hikmah di sebalik trajedi
Teman sejatiku hanyalah Dia yang abadi
Setiap kali aku menoleh ke belakang
Mencari-cari titik punca keretakan
Ku sedari tak wajar dipersalahkan
Dirimu yang kian ketandusan perasaan
Sesungguhnya yang tersilap diriku sendiri
Menaruh harapan padamu terlalu tinggi
Sangkaku orang memberi kita berbahasa
Tak terlintas susu disaji dibalas tuba
Setiap pengorbanan, setiap pemberian
Ku lakukan untukmu penuh ketulusan
Tiada yang diharap selain kejujuran
Bila diri dikhianati sungguh aku terkilan
Sememangnya bukan engkau bukan dia
Penilaianku dulu dikelabui mata
Namun ku temui hikmah di sebalik trajedi
Teman sejatiku hanyalah Dia yang abadi
The only one-man-saves-the-whole-world character I like is Jesus.
Bahhh He is far greater than just superhero. ;)
Bahhh He is far greater than just superhero. ;)
Tasks vs. Faithfulness
I always believe it's the little things that counts.
If you are faithful in all those little things, when it comes to bigger things, you'll be faithful too.
Because God Himself illustrates this.
If you are faithful in all those little things, when it comes to bigger things, you'll be faithful too.
Because God Himself illustrates this.
Wouldn't it be like so sweet and romantic if someone you like write/compose a love song for you? :)
Learning something new
If Cinderella was here tonight
She wouldn't walk out the door leaving you behind
Midnight calling but she don't care
She'd be a fool not to follow you everywhere
Exactly :)
It Is You
by Natasha Yap
Don't you ever walk away from me like that,
Don't you ever give up everything on me,
Don't you ever let me go
Don't you ever say no,
Don't you tell me anything is impossible,
Every day I'll just wonder about you,
Never thought my love for you grew every day and,
When I am always with you I can't stop smiling and,
It seems like heaven every time,
To make it alright, make it alright, alright
It is you, who light up my life like that,
Who gave me the strength and hope to carry on, of moving on my life,
It is you, who light up my life like that,
Who give me the strength and hope to carry on, of moving on my life,
May be someday I will understand how you feel,
All I need is some time to know you more,
Every time single time I think,
Every time single time I dream,
Every time single time I wonder is about you,
Most of the times when I'm down I need you,
To cure my pain and light up every sorrows,
When we are talking on the phone my heart feels so weak and I'll always miss you even more,
Is this call love? I know so, Maybe some day..
It is you, who light up my life like that,
Who gave me the strength and hope to carry on, of moving on my life,
It is you, who light up my life like that,
Who give me the strength and hope to carry on, of moving on...
Every day, every minute, every second, every time, all I do is think of you,
When I cry, when I'm down, when I laugh, when I sing, you were always there beside me,
To make things right and get me through everything together,
Be mine forever,
Never say never til the end,
It is you, it is you, it is you,
It is you, who light up my life like that,
Who gave me the strength and hope to carry on, of moving on my life,
It is you, who light up my life like that,
Who give me the strength and hope to carry on, of moving on my life,
Don't you ever let me go,
Don't you ever say no,
Don't you tell me anything is impossible.
Don't you ever give up everything on me,
Don't you ever let me go
Don't you ever say no,
Don't you tell me anything is impossible,
Every day I'll just wonder about you,
Never thought my love for you grew every day and,
When I am always with you I can't stop smiling and,
It seems like heaven every time,
To make it alright, make it alright, alright
It is you, who light up my life like that,
Who gave me the strength and hope to carry on, of moving on my life,
It is you, who light up my life like that,
Who give me the strength and hope to carry on, of moving on my life,
May be someday I will understand how you feel,
All I need is some time to know you more,
Every time single time I think,
Every time single time I dream,
Every time single time I wonder is about you,
Most of the times when I'm down I need you,
To cure my pain and light up every sorrows,
When we are talking on the phone my heart feels so weak and I'll always miss you even more,
Is this call love? I know so, Maybe some day..
It is you, who light up my life like that,
Who gave me the strength and hope to carry on, of moving on my life,
It is you, who light up my life like that,
Who give me the strength and hope to carry on, of moving on...
Every day, every minute, every second, every time, all I do is think of you,
When I cry, when I'm down, when I laugh, when I sing, you were always there beside me,
To make things right and get me through everything together,
Be mine forever,
Never say never til the end,
It is you, it is you, it is you,
It is you, who light up my life like that,
Who gave me the strength and hope to carry on, of moving on my life,
It is you, who light up my life like that,
Who give me the strength and hope to carry on, of moving on my life,
Don't you ever let me go,
Don't you ever say no,
Don't you tell me anything is impossible.
Born to Die
Lana Del Rey
Feet don't fail me now
Take me to the finish line
All my heart, it breaks every step that I take
But I'm hoping that the gates,
They'll tell me that you're mine
Walking through the city streets
Is it by mistake or design?
I feel so alone on a Friday night
Can you make it feel like home, if I tell you you're mine
It's like I told you honey
Don't make me sad, don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough
I don't know why
Keep making me laugh,
Let's go get high
The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime
Come and take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Choose your last words
This is the last time
Cause you and I, we were born to die
Lost but now I am found
I can see but once I was blind
I was so confused as a little child
Tried to take what I could get
Scared that I couldn't find
All the answers, honey
Don't make me sad, don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough
I don't know why
Keep making me laugh,
Let's go get high
The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime
Come and take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Choose your last words,
This is the last time
Take me to the finish line
All my heart, it breaks every step that I take
But I'm hoping that the gates,
They'll tell me that you're mine
Walking through the city streets
Is it by mistake or design?
I feel so alone on a Friday night
Can you make it feel like home, if I tell you you're mine
It's like I told you honey
Don't make me sad, don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough
I don't know why
Keep making me laugh,
Let's go get high
The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime
Come and take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Choose your last words
This is the last time
Cause you and I, we were born to die
Lost but now I am found
I can see but once I was blind
I was so confused as a little child
Tried to take what I could get
Scared that I couldn't find
All the answers, honey
Don't make me sad, don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough
I don't know why
Keep making me laugh,
Let's go get high
The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime
Come and take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Choose your last words,
This is the last time
Cause you and I
We were born to die
We were born to die
We were born to die
Come and take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Don't make me sad, don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough
I don't know why
Keep making me laugh,
Let's go get high
The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime
Come and take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Choose your last words
This is the last time
Cause You and I
We were born to die
We were born to die
We were born to die
We were born to die
We were born to die
Come and take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Don't make me sad, don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough
I don't know why
Keep making me laugh,
Let's go get high
The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime
Come and take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Choose your last words
This is the last time
Cause You and I
We were born to die
We were born to die
Little things that count
Little surprises like this make my joy overflows from within.
And surprisingly they are from those who are not so close with me (yet). So touched.
Little acts like this sometimes speak louder than your preconceived notion eh. :)
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Plus a chocolate which is already in my stomach. :3 |
And surprisingly they are from those who are not so close with me (yet). So touched.
Little acts like this sometimes speak louder than your preconceived notion eh. :)
Not that little actually. ;)
Random things
Vexed. Determined.
It's a vicious cycle.
I declare I will break out of it.
It will no longer have any foothold in me and my offspring.
In Jesus' name.
She posted about her placement with the children I've always wanted to help/work with. Kind of jealous she has the opportunity to serve them. I flung mine though. And now I'm nowhere near them.
But I still believe He will lead me there somehow if that's the calling He has for me. I will eventually find a way there - back to them. In the meantime, I guess I just have to strive in things I have in my hands now. If He cannot trust me with all this trivial matters, how then can He trust me with even greater responsibilities?
But I still believe He will lead me there somehow if that's the calling He has for me. I will eventually find a way there - back to them. In the meantime, I guess I just have to strive in things I have in my hands now. If He cannot trust me with all this trivial matters, how then can He trust me with even greater responsibilities?
Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful
Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful
Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul
I know you will, I know you will
I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful
Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul
I know you will, I know you will
I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful
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